Jan Haverkamp
WISE, Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe
Jan Haverkamp is nuclear energy and energy policy specialist for Greenpeace and professional group facilitator.
His previous work as energy campaigner and developer of environmental organisations in Central Europe brought him into contact with nuclear power and energy policy in countries across the globe. He also worked for four years as Greenpeace’s EU nuclear policy advisor in Brussels. Dr. Haverkamp teaches ‘facilitation of environmental communication processes’ and ‘the role of environmental NGOs in society’ at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. His academic background is in biochemistry, nuclear physics, environmental sciences and social and communication psychology.

Reihold Pope
NGO Airclim, Sweden
Reinhold Pape is coordinator for climate and energy policy at AirClim (The Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat), a joint venture between four environmental NGOs in Sweden – Nature and Youth Sweden, World Wide Fund for Nature Sweden, Friends of the Earth Sweden, and Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. He has worked for more than 40 years for environmental NGOs against air pollution and for nature -, environment-, and climate protection in Europe and globally.

Tamara Martsenyuk
Tamara Martsenyuk holds PhD (Candidate of Sciences), she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine), visiting scholar at Free University Berlin and Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Germany). She is the author of more than 100 academic publications, chapters of textbooks and chapters of books, particularly, “Gender for All. Challenging Stereotypes” (2017), “Why not be Afraid of Feminism” (2018). Tamara teaches at the Department of Sociology courses “Introduction to Gender Studies”, “Gender and Politics”, “Masculinity and Men’s Studies”, “Social Problems in Ukraine and in the World”, and others.
She is engaged in educational activism, conducts trainings for a wide target audience: journalists, think tanks, civil servants, politicians, civic activists and more. Helps NGOs and think tanks to develop internal organizational policies on non-discrimination and gender equality. Tamara is the author of a popular online course on Prometheus titled “Women and Men: Gender for All”.
Tamara shares the idea of public sociology – science and research for the sake of social change, and is therefore constantly involved in various international research or teaching projects. Among the projects related to ecology, topics such as “Agro-industry is coming: women and the environment. Socio-gender Impact of agro-industrial objects on rural women ”(2015, in collaboration with NECU),“ Gender aspects of water management ”(2019, jointly with OSCE). In the summer of 2022, in cooperation with the NGO “EcoAction” she developed gender-sensitive recommendations for the National Concept of Transformation of Coal Regions.

Huub Scheele
CEE Bankwatch, Europe
Huub is a specialist on Multilateral Financial Institutions and capacity building for civil society organizations. He has been involved with Bankwatch since 1995 in a variety of roles. Since January 2019 Huub became interim executive director.
Eastern Europe holds a special place in Huub’s heart. In ’83 and ’84, Dr Scheele worked in the former Eastern bloc. At the time of the fall of the Soviet Union, he worked as a soil pollution expert for the Ministry of Environment in Estonia.

Mykola Shlapak
Mykola is a specialist in environmental protection, carbon accounting, and climate policy and works with different international and Ukrainian organizations in the area of environmental consulting. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics (Economics of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection) and is one of the lead authors of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Mykola is also interested in environmental education and takes part in the development and promotion of mobile app Climate Drops, which aims to increase awareness among youth on the personal efforts to combat climate change. Besides, Mykola is also a member of energy cooperative Solar Town, which constructed several solar power stations on the municipal roofs in Slavutych city (Ukraine)