Enhance energy efficiency in the residential sector through relevant legislation and government support.
It is of paramount importance that Ukraine strives towards a radical increase in energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources. It is critical for energy independence, reduction dependence on fossil fuels and fighting energy poverty for Ukrainian citizens.
To do this, each of us can join in order to embody energy efficiency right here and right now!
Relevant Campaigns:
1% for energy efficiency
In order to renovate multi-family housing stock within the following 20 years Ukraine requires annual investments of 140 bn UAH (15% of the state budget). In last year population’s demand for state aid for winterization of homes rose sharply whereas funds/allocations are lacking.
The main target of the “1% for energy efficiency” campaign is to increase financial state aid to the minimum of 1% of state and local budgets for the implementation of energy efficient measures by the population.
Last year ensured that state aid for energy efficiency in 2018 amounted to 2 million UAH, 2.5 times as much as the amount originally allocated by the government. However, this constitutes only 0.2% of the budget – these funds will not be sufficient to cofund the modernization of at least a small part of housing in the country. Ecoaction is striving for the government to prioritize the issue of energy efficiency and ensure ongoing and sufficient state aid for the population.