Representatives of coal mining communities continue to plan for a green reconstruction. In June, the first stage of the Project Workshop for Coal Mining Communities took place, during which community representatives gained practical skills in high-quality project preparation, as well as were inspired by ideas regarding possible areas of work, potential partners/donors, and opportunities for inter-municipal partnerships.
On August 3-4, 2023, the second stage of the Coal Mining Communities Project Workshop took place. During the event, representatives of coal mining communities presented developed project concepts and received expert feedback.
The projects presented included:
- Thermo-modernisation and installation of solar panels on municipal buildings;
- Supporting uninterrupted operation of water supply through the installation of solar power plants;
- Creation and development of industrial parks;
- Providing residents with clean drinking water from alternative sources (purification of mine water, construction of water supply systems, etc);
- Reconstruction of heat and hot water supply systems;
- Development of new industries and production facilities.
In the coming months project concepts will be further developed and presented at the 2nd Annual Ukrainian High-level Forum on Just Transition “Reconstruction of Ukrainian coal mining communities in today’s conditions” scheduled for October 2023. The forum is organised by partner NGOs Ecoaction, Luhansk Regional Human Rights Center “Alternativa” and Germanwatch.