Since 2000, the process of consolidation of land by companies has begun and gradually recaptured in the land markets of the countries of the world. The situation was of a particular magnitude in 2008-09. As a result of the global financial crisis, when land became a profitable investment. It was at this time that the phenomenon land grabbing has gained extraordinary scales in the world.
The continent has become the main regions that have suffered and continue to suffer from it: Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. The lack of transparency in the acquisition or use of land and the neglect of the rights of the local population are the main characteristics of the “seizure” of land. Companies that want to take control of land, use all the mechanisms available for this, which sometimes contradict the principles of legality and humanity.
The publication deals with several striking examples of “hobbies” – concluded deals tracked by Land Matrix during 2015-2017. They confirm the scale of the process on the example of the countries of Eastern Europe.
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Big land deals in Eastern Europe (PDF)