On 8-9 May, the General Assembly of the largest network of environmental citisens’ organisations in Europe – the European Environmental Bureau – took place in Stockholm. During the Assembly, members approved Ecoaction’s associate membership in the network and elected a Ukrainian environmental policy expert Andriy Andrusevych from the Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment” as a Board member of EEB.
The European Environmental Bureau condemned russian invasion of Ukraine and has been supporting Ecoaction’s team with advocacy in Brussels and civil society coordination work on the green reconstruction of Ukraine. For example, in November last year EEB together with Civil Society Europe co-organised a High-Level Conference on ‘RebuildUkraine’ and Civil Dialogue which led to establishment of a regular dialogue between Ukrainian civil society and the European Commission on reconstruction issues.
The EEB has more than 180 member organisations in 38 countries, representing some 30 million individual members and supporters. The network advocates for progressive policies to create a better environment in the EU and beyond. EEB tackles Europe’s most pressing environmental problems by agenda setting, monitoring, advising on and influencing the way the EU deals with these problems. These include issues such as climate change, biodiversity, circular economy, air, water, soil, chemical pollution, as well as policies on industry, energy, agriculture, product design and waste prevention among others.
Center for Environmental Initiatives “Ecoaction” is a civil society organisation that unites efforts of experts and activists in a joint struggle to protect the environment. We advocate for a green reconstruction of Ukraine, energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions, countering climate change, clean air for all and sustainable development of transport and agriculture in the country. Our activities help us to influence decision makers and encourage them to conduct more environmentally friendly government policy.