The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will spend over EUR 5 billion on climate action in cities in central and eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East as part of the Green Cities programme.
A big part of this funding will support Green City Action Plans (GCAPs) to help cities deal with environmental issues and adapt to the climate crisis. City residents should have a say in how this money is spent in their cities. Their voices can help make their cities more resilient in the face of climate challenges.
Bankwatch, together with Ecoaction, Ukraine, and Green Salvation, Kazakhstan, developed a step-by-step guide on what the Green City Action Plan is, why citizen participation is important for improving the future of cities, and how residents can participate. The guide explains GCAPs through examples, infographics, success stories and practical advice on how residents can get involved.
Download publication: What you need to know about the Green City Action Plan but your municipality won’t tell you (PDF)